Family History of Les Bakke

From Europe to the United States


Bakke and Gast Families




European History

    From Norway

    From Germany


US History



Family Veterans


Churches and Cemeteries




Family Reunions














  To find other family members, click on the highlighted letter to get to an index of individuals whose birth last name starts with that letter.  For instance, clicking on the A will get you to a list of individuals whose last name starts with an A.
A Bakke B C D E F Gast G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


1995 Bakke Family Reunion

In July, 1995, about 120 descendants of Peder and Agnetta Bakke gathered at the Old Mill State Park for an all-day reunion.  Peder and Agnetta had nine children, Ida, Amanda, Clara, Mary, Gilbert, Adolph, Pauline, Olga and Minnie.  The photos below are of the descendants of those children.

Descendants of Adolph and Alice (Gast) Bakke

Descendants of Bertil and Clara (Engelsrud) Bakke

Descendants of Gilbert and Anna (Ekman) Bakke

Descendants of John and Randine (Haugen) Bakke

Descendants of Olga (Bakke) and Carl Johnson




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