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Last Name First Name Click to Hear Recording Description Click for Transcript
ANTILLA PHILIP 1988 Reverand Anttila, former pastor of the Bethesda Lutheran Church in Moorhead, discusses in detail his involvement in church activities, liturgy, and education. He also discusses the various synods of the Lutheran Church and the future of the ecumenical movement.  
COVEY GRACE 1985 Grace Covey describes the organization of the Presbyterian Church of Moorhead and her involvement in church activities.  
FEDER ROBERT 1990 Lawyer Robert Feder discusses his hildhood and his Jewish religion. Transcript
GEIGER REVEREND MATHIAS 1990 Pastor of the United Church of Christ in Moorhead, Reverend Mathias discusses his call to the ministry, along with his ministry work at his church.  
HANSON MARIE 1985 Mrs. Hanson reflects on the career of her late husband, a Lutheran pastor, and gives her own views of the Lutheran churches in Moorhead since she moved there in 1951.  
MOURER SARAH 1986 Mrs. Mourere discusses the history of the Moorhead Presbyterian church, of which he has been a member since 1925. She discusses the role of the members, and the changing views of the congregation.  
NORDLIE MARGARET 1985 Margaret Nordlie, a member of Trinity Lutheran Church of Moorhead since 1930 discusses the history of the church.  
SORGEN VILGARD 1985 Mrs. Sorgen discusses her early life in China and the role she and her husband played in the establishment of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Moorhead in 1952. Transcript
WESTRUM GLADYS 1986 Mrs. Westrum talks about her involvement with the Bethesda Lutheran Church of Moorhead. She discusses the role of the congregation in the church structure and government and the relationship between the church and the community.  
WHITE MARILYN MURRAY 1985 Mrs. White describes her more than 40 years of involvement with and membership in the First Congregation Church of Moorhead, where she served in many capacities including four years as Church Education Director. 7/20/2017







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