Bev Paulson was one of the founding members of the Heritage Education Commission when it was established by MSUM Presdident Roland Dille.  Bev continued to be a Commission member serving in several roles for 33 years.  Bev was a frequent presentor at our annual Family History Workshop. In 2000, Bev developed a plan to record Veterans' oral histories, starting with WW II Veterans because many of them were no longer with us.  Once gone, their stories can never be recorded or told.  Bev made a significant personal donation to start our Veterans' oral history project.  Using her donated funds, supplemented by other concerned individuals, we have recorded 65 oral histories of WWII veterans.  Most of the Veterans interviewed and recorded are from the Red River Valley region but we also recorded a few nationally known Veterans such as Artist Ben Steele from Montana.  We have also recorded a few Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans.  The project is ongoing. 

In September, 2013, the Minnesota Historical Society awarded us a grant of $8,100 to transcribe the histories already collected.  None of this would have been possible without the dedication and support of Bev Paulson.  We dedicate this project in her memory.  We lost Bev on Aptil 7, 2009 at MeritCare Hospital in Fargo, ND.