




Veteran's Corner Column



Les Bakke Website

Les Bakke YouTube Channel

Bev Lake Website

Family History Website


Oral Histories


GVR Forum Club








Consulting in Computing

·         Web Development

·         Database Design

Consulting in Genealogy Research

·          Genealogy Classes

·         Basic Genealogy Research

Speaker Topics - Check my YouTube Channel for recent presentations.

·         Intro to Genealogy

·         Minority Veterans in WWII

·         European Migration to the Red River Valley

·         Where Did We Come From?

·         Christmas Truce During WWI

·         Moutain Men of the U.S.

·         1960s and the Cold War

·         1960s and Civil Unrest in the U.S.




Les Bakke

Les Bakke, IT Director Emeritus

Minnesota State Univeristy Moorhead


Where we go when winter arrives in Minnesota.

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