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Last Name First Name Click to Hear Recording Description Click for Transcript
Anderson Donald N. 1982 In the first part of this interview Anderson speaks of his student years. The subjects include student housing, financing his education, faculty-student relations, dining facilities. and campus social activities Anderson also talks about faculty members he knew, such as Sliv Nemzek. In the second part of the interview Anderson discusses his work at Moorhead State before and after World War II, the Physical Education Department, the planning of Nemzek Hall, and the Faculty Senate. Anderson also talks about changes he witnessed while at Moorhead State such as a growing faculty, the demise of the Campus School, and the evolution of student teaching.  
Corneliussen Alice 1985 In these interviews Miss Corneliussen discusses the history of Moorhead, problems faced by women in higher education, and her experiences at Moorhead State, both as a student and as a faculty member. Included are her impressions of Moorhead State, of dormitory life. and of fellow students. She also talks about the curriculum, the student-teaching program, the affiliated rural school program, the Campus School, the fire that burned down Old Main, and how the depression of the 1930's affected Moorhead State. Miss Corneliussen mentions various faculty members such as Katherine Leonard, Dan Preston, Samuel Bridges, Maude Hayes, and Sliv Nemzek, as well as President MacLean. Corneliussen also describes Moorhead State during World War II, the presence of the Air Force training detachment on campus, and the changes at Moorhead State immediately after the war.  
DOVRE PAUL 1988 Dr. Dovre reflects upon his career at Concordia College since joining the faculty in 1963, with emphasis upon his years as President of Concordia. He also remarks on the connections between Concordia College and the Fargo-Moorhead community. Transcript
Eklund Horace 1975 Mr. Eklund talks about his family, the history of his house, and his work with Northwestern Bell. He reminisces about Moorhead State and the Model School. Eklund discusses his instructors, the dance band he organized, the Owls, and the women`s sororities. He also talks about sports at Moorhead State, including the Concordia-Moorhead State football rivalry, Sliv Nemzek, the old gymnasium, training, and recruitment. Finally, Eklund comments on changes he witnessed at Moorhead State, both in the institution as a whole and in athletics.  
Erickson Dr. Allen and Ruth 1986 Dr. Erickson and his wife, Ruth, discuss their experiences while students at Moorhead State. They talk about why they came to Moorhead, life on and off campus, college instructors, and the dress code. Their instructors included Byron Murray, Joseph Kise, Samuel Bridges, and Clifford Archer. They describe extracurricular activities and organizations in which they participated such as chapel convocation, drama clubs, Alpha Psi Omega, the Owls, and the art festivals. Dr. Erickson also discusses joining the faculty after World War II and the conditions on campus. He describes his work, which included teaching, reading ,and English, and producing plays.  
Felde Eva 1983 Eva Felde begins by discussing her family and their Norwegian heritage. She lived off campus while attending Moorhead State and speaks of riding the street car to classes and the "cold lunch" room, which was a gathering place for commuting students. She mentions Euterpe, student teaching, and instructors she knew such as Maude Wenck, Agnes Kise, Flora Frick, and Jessie McKellar. She describes several of her classes including swimming, art, and tap dancing. Her later experiences as a teacher are also discussed.  
Fossay Catherine Edlund 1983 Mrs. Fossay describes her years as a student at Moorhead State, particularly her experiences as a student teacher at the Model School on campus, and as a teacher in the affiliated rural school at Oak Mound. Included in her reminiscences are student activities and productions such as the pageant on the early history of Moorhead, living arrangements, transportation, contacts with students at Concordia and NDSU, recreational opportunities, and other students of the time. 7/20/2017
Geib Harriet Hagen 1984 This interview includes Mrs. Geib's  detailed recollections of her grandfather, Moorhead State President Frank Weld, and the Weld home. She speaks of her kindergarten teacher at the Model School, Miss Durboraw, as well as other Model School teachers including Miss Ulrich and Miss Loudon. She discusses the classes and curriculum of the Model School, practice teachers, junior high programs, and pageants. Mrs. Gibb also mentions college faculty members that she knew through parents, the social events her family conducted for faculty, and close friends her mother maintained among the faculty including Maude Hayes, Blanche Loudon, and Flora Frick.  
Glasrud Dr. Clarence A. 1984 In these interviews Dr. Glasrud discusses his experience both as a student and as a faculty member at Moorhead State.  He talks about student housing, social activities, and extra-curricular activities such as the debate team, The Mistic, athletics, dramatics, the Praecepter, and the mock League of Nations.  He reminisces about some of his instructors including Joseph Kise, Sliv Nemzek, Flora Frick, and Dan Preston.  He discusses candidly the presidential policies of Dr. Snarr and Dr. Knoblaunch, and their effect on the development of the college.  Other subjects on which Dr. Glasrud discourses are the fire which destroyed Old Main, the development of the college from a normal school to a teacherÆs college, and the four-year program of the early 1930s. 7/20/2017
Haug Dr. Oscar M 1982 In this interview Oscar Haugh reminisces about his student days at Moorhead State. He talks about activities on campus such as chapel, theater productions, glee club, and baseball. Dr. Haugh also discusses such student social activities as off-campus parties and describes the boarding house in which he lived. He mentions students and instructors he knew including Helen Bergquist, Dan Preston, Ina Fogg, Joseph Kise, Sliv Nemzek, Ethel Tainter, and Maude Hayes. He also talks about President MacLean. Finally, Dr. Haugh comments on how the students, curriculum, and campus have changed since he was a student at Moorhead State.  
Haukebo Gerhard (Gerry) 1988 Dr. Haukebo describes his career in education, first at Concordia College, then at Moorhead State University. He discusses his role in establishing language camp programs, the PFY teaching programs, and overseas study programs. April 2015
Herring Earl 1989 Mr. Herring discusses his many years at Moorhead State University, first as a professor and then on to being Vice President of Administrative Affairs.  
Holmquist Delsie 1983 In these interviews, Delsie Holmquist gives her impressions of Moorhead State in the 1930's and 1940's. She talks about the predominantly Scandinavian background of faculty members and students in the 1930's and her views on how this influenced the character of Moorhead State. She also discusses the Old Main fire, the economic depression, and how people coped with these potentially disastrous events. Moorhead State during World War II and the impact of the Air Force training detachment are also described. Instructors and administrators such as Byron Murray. Virginia Grantham, Georgina Lommen, Joseph Kise. Flora Frick, and Presidents Snarr and MacLean are mentioned. Other topics include the change to the liberal arts curriculum and problems encountered over the years by women faculty members.  
Jacobs Marilla 1985 Mrs. Jacobs began teaching in 1927 and retired 1971. She discusses her early teacher training, experiences, and changes in teaching over the years. Transcript
Jenkins Dr. John 1982 This interview concentrates on the post-World War II years at Moorhead State. Dr. Jenkins talks about the housing shortages, student living conditions, problems returning veterans faced, student government, and the cost of attending Moorhead State. He also discusses the curriculum and the increased emphasis on liberal arts after the war. Dr. Jenkins reminisces about President Snarr, Virginia Grantham, and Samuel Bridges. He also describes his experience as Dean of Men and as a Danforth Associate, in which capacity he sought to bridge the gap between faculty and students. Finally, Dr. Jenkins discusses relations between Moorhead State and the local community immediately after World War II.  
Johnson Adele 1988 Retired educator Adele Johnson, discusses her teaching career including her years at Concordia College and Moorhead State University. She also discusses her involvement in politics. Transcript
Johnson Dr. Nels N. 1982 Dr. Johnson begins the interview by talking about his reason for coming to Moorhead State. He describes the campus in 1939, his duties, and the Art Department. Life on campus and the changes the Air Force training detachment brought about during World War II are discussed. People Dr. Johnson remembers, such as Matilda Williams, Dr. Snarr, and Dr. MacLean, as well as activities such as chapel assemblies, theater productions, and other extra-curricular activities are covered in the interview. Dr. Johnson also comments on the transition of Moorhead State from a teachers college to a liberal arts college.  
Johnson Lenora Isaacson 1983 In this interview, Lenora Johnson begins by talking about her childhood on her parent's farm near Stephen, Minnesota and her educational background. She tells why she decided to attend Moorhead Normal School and gives her impressions of the institution in 1919. She also talks about her classes, daily chapel assembly, extra curricular activities, and student social life. Mrs. Johnson discusses some of her instructors including Anna Swenson, Flora Frick, and Maude Hayes. Finally, she talks about the master's thesis she wrote on the history of Norman County.  
Jones William M. 1984 Dr. Jones discusses his career as an educator and as the Academic Vice-President of Moorhead State University from 1972-1985. Transcript
Kaeding Helene E. 1984 Mrs. Kaeding began teaching in 1931. She describes the difference in attitudes toward education in the various communities in which she taught, and how discipline and respect for teachers has changed. Transcript
Knatterud Alden 1985 Mr. Knatterud describes his teaching experiences, changes in curriculum and the separation of church and state in education.  
Knutson Joseph L. 1985 Dr. Knutson was president of Concordia College from 1950 to 1974. He discusses the college's finances and its relationship to the American Lutheran Church. Transcript
Lewis Beatrice 1983 Miss Lewis begins by talking about her education and family history. She then discusses her reasons for seeking employment at Moorhead State and describes the campus as it was when she first arrived, especially the layout of offices in MacLean Hall and the Ingleside reception room. She also talks about social activities, chapel services, Sigma Alpha Iota, and extra-curricular activities. Miss Lewis discusses the effect the depression of the 1930's and World War II had on enrollment, students, and on the institution as a whole. People remembered by Miss Lewis include Presidents MacLean, Snarr, and Neumaier, as well as Jennie Owens, Mable Lumley, Jessie Askegaard, Millie Dahl, Sliv Nemzek, and Samuel Bridges.  
McKellar Jessie 1983 This interview with Jessie McKellar deals in large part with physical education at Moorhead State and the changes which took place in the program between 1924 and 1950. She talks about students, teaching methods, physical education curriculum, the Moorhead State-Concordia rivalry, and the Women's Recreation Association. Miss McKellar also mentions colleagues such as Flora Frick and Sliv Nemzek, as well as Presidents MacLean, Snarr, and Knoblauch. She also tells how people at Moorhead State coped with the situation after Old Main burned in 1930.  
Moen Matilda 1983 Matilda Moen begins by talking about her experiences while a student in a rural school and of her parents and her family. She also discusses teaching in rural schools. Subjects relating to her years at Moorhead State include practice teaching at Dilworth and at the Model School, the end of year pageant put on by the senior class, and community opinions of Moorhead State students. Life as a married, off campus student is described. Teachers mentioned include Georgina Lommen, Jessie McKellar, Jennie Owens, Samuel Bridges, and Joseph Kise. Emma Erickson and Caswell Ballard. Transcript
MORK JOSEPH M. 1985 Mr. Mork speaks of his experiences as school administrator and as assistant superintendent of the District 152 school system.  
Murray Dr. Byron 1982 Byron Murray begins by discussing the reasons he stayed at Moorhead for forty-one years.  He then talks about his early days at Moorhead State, including such topics as chapel exercises, inter-school social events, and college-community relations.  Dr. Murray discusses curriculum changes which took place as Moorhead State evolved into a liberal arts college.  He also speaks about the journalism laboratory which he helped develop.  Dr. Murray comments on student-faculty relations during the 1920Æs and 1930Æs, student attitudes, and how they reacted after Old Main burned in 1930.  Another topic covered is Moorhead State during World War II and the Air Force training detachments.  Dr. Murray reminisces about several persons including Presidents MacLean and Snarr.  
NORDLIE MARGARET 1985 Margaret Nordlie worked as a teacher and librarian from 1935 to 1985. She relates her experiences in these fields, both in the United States and abroad.  
Possehl Ester 1982 Esther Possehl was born and raised on a farm near Moorhead, Minnesota. She enrolled in the Moorhead Normal School in 1914 and earned her teaching certificate in 1916. Mrs. Possehl taught school in rural Clay County until she married in 1919. In 1943, she accepted a position in the Student Exchange Office. While at Moorhead State, she was the patroness of Gamma Nu Sorority. Mrs. Possehl left Moorhead State in 1949 and later moved to California.  
PRAUSNITZ WALTHER G. 1988 Dr. Prausnitz discusses his academic career as a member of the Concordia College faculty and administration. He also briefly mention the beginning of the Fargo-Moorhead Symphony.  
PRESTON DANIEL 1986 Preston discusses his 29 year career in the Moorhead State College music department and his direction of the Amphion Chorus of Fargo-Moorhead.  
PROM LYNN HANSON 1989 A professor in the Education Department at Concordia College, Lynn Prom discusses her career as an educator, including her work with the gifted child program in Moorhead.  
RENDAHL JUNALD L. 1984 Dr. Rendahl served as Vice-President of Concordia College from 1946 to 1972. He discusses the college and its growth.  
Ringstad Glenn 1983 Mr. Ringstad begins by telling why he decided to attend Moorhead State. He then discusses how World War II affected enrollment and campus social activities. Mr. Ringstad also discusses student life on campus and extracurricular activities, such as his work with the Moorhead State student newspaper, The Mistic. Ringstad reminisces about his English classes and instructors, including Mabel Lumley, Ethel Tainter, Delsie Holmquist, and Byron Murray, as well as instructors in other disciplines such as Samuel Bridges, Joseph Kise, Sliv Nemzek, and Flora Frick. He also gives his impressions of President Snarr and Jennie Owens.  
SCHERFENBERG LAURA 1985 Laura Scherfenberg taught from 1923 to 1972. She discusses her early teacher training, her many years of experiences in education, and her work at Moorhead State.  
SCHOBERG G. L. 1985 Mr. Schoberg discusses his experiences on the faculty of Concordia College from 1930 to 1970, both as instructor in the Language Department and in public affairs.  
SCOTT LEVETA 1986 Mrs. Scott tells of her experiences on a dairy farm, and also discusses her 36 year teaching career.  
SELBERG LOIS 1985 Selberg, an educator and administrator at Moorhead State University since 1960, discusses her career in education and her part in the Project E-Quality program on the campus. 7/20/2017
Selberg Lois Cornell 1984 Lois Selberg speaks first of her high school education and her early experiences at Moorhead State. She describes what entering college meant to her in the way of intellectual enlightenment. Topics covered include sorority life, working on the yearbook and the college newspaper, annual drama productions, chapel programs, and the status of the library. Mrs. Selberg discusses what the college was like during wartime, living arrangements off-campus during the time the cadets were at Moorhead State, the return of the veterans, and the changes that occurred on campus and in classes at that time. She also speaks of dormitory life, her work at the Student Exchange, and student teaching in the Campus School, as well as returning to Moorhead State as a faculty member herself.  
SELJEVOLD PHILIP 1986 Mr. Seljevold discusses in detail his experiences as Athletic Director at Moorhead High School. Topics discussed include tradition, girls athletics, coaches and facilities.  
SKOGEN EDITH 1985 Mrs. Skogen served as teacher and principal from 1931 to 1975. She tells of her experiences as teacher, teaching principal, and as full time administrator.  
SMABY WILLIAM 1986 Smaby reflects on his experiences as the Concordia College business office manager since 1952. 7/20/2017
Stenerson Ruby M. Johnson Solien 1984 Mrs. Stenerson's experiences as a student included playing center on the girl's basketball team; she also speaks of chapel programs and the general campus appearance at this time. She describes her later connections with Moorhead State as owner and operator of the "College Club" and of the early 1940's when she was in charge of a rooming house for male student athletes and later for women students. Mrs. Stenerson discusses in some detail her task in establishing and operating the first college bookstore. She tells of the complexities involved with running the store in one small room with only student help. Later it was moved to the present location and she was given full time help. At the time she was learning the business procedures, she also had to contend with government GI accounts since many returning veterans were enrolled. Mrs. Stenerson describes the evolution of the bookstore from the early function, which was mainly selling texts, to its expansion into a larger and more varied operation.  
STORVICK OLIN J. 1986 Storvick discusses his experiences as a classical languages professor and departmental chairman at Concordia College since 1955.  
STRAND HARTVICK 1986 Mr. Stand began coaching 1947 at Elbow Lake and coached for 19 years at Moorhead High School. He discusses his coaching experiences.  
SWENSON JUSTIN 1985 Mr. Swenson describes his career as a superintendent of public schools. He discusses attitudes toward education, special education, and changes in public schools over the years. 7/20/2017
Utke Reinhold 1983 Student life at Moorhead State during the depression of the 1930's is the main topic of this interview.Mr. Utke talks about his decision to attend Moorhead State, financing his education, and student living conditions. Social activities, chapel, and student organizations, such as Alpha Epsilon, are also covered. Mr. Utke discusses student-faculty relations at some length, mentioning several faculty members he knew including Dan Preston. Byron Murray, Virginia Fitzmorris. Flora Frick, Caswell Ballard, and Casper Lura. 7/20/2017
Vinz George 1982 In this interview Mr. Vinz discusses his experiences as a Moorhead State student. He talks about several extracurricular activities in which he took part including basketball, football, drama, and men's chorus. He discusses the curriculum, the layout of the campus, rules and regulations, and enrollment. He also describes living conditions at the Moorhead Armory which housed several Moorhead State athletes of the period. Flora Frick and Sliv Nemzek, two Moorhead State faculty members, are also mentioned.  
WATSON CHARLES E. 1986 Watson recounts his experiences as a teacher in the Moorhead Schools, and comments upon the support for education in the community.  
WERGELAND HOWARD 1986 Wergeland discusses his career as an educator in Minnesota with emphasis on his years as principal of the Moorhead Middle School.  







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