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Date Title Source/Author Comments/Venue
Jan 2024 8 Things to know about people seeking asylum in Arizona AZ Luminaria This is an excellent guide to U.S. immigration and the impact on the borderlands
27 Dec 2023 Migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border Migration Policy Institute  
29 Nov 2023 Asylum Processing at the US Mexico Border: November 2023 The University of Texas at Austin  
Jun 2022 Border Wildlife Study Sky Island Alliance  
25 May 2023 The Dignity Act: Bill Summary Christian Penichet, Paul Arturo Castellanos and Canales Alexandra Villarreal Here's a summary of the Dignity Act - quite a comprehensive update for US immigration.
18 Jan 2022 One Year In: The Biden Administration's Treatment of Vulnerable Migrants The Universityof Texas at Austin  
7 Jan 2022 Fact Sheet: Migrant Protection Protocols American Immigration Council  
Dec 2021 Report on the Relaunch of the Central American Minors Program Migration Policy Institute  
Nov 2021 Charting a New Course of Action: The Complex Motivations and Costs of Central American Migration Migration Policy Institute  
Oct 2021 Smart Borders or a Humane World? By Mizue Aizeki, Geoffrey Boyce, Todd Miller, Joseph Nevins, and Miriam Ticktin  A report published by the Immigrant Defense Project’s Surveillance, Tech & Immigration Policing Project, and the Transnational Institute








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